Transplant Complete (Sort of)
So I came home last Monday from the transplant process, the hospital stay wasn’t quite four weeks long. I think I went in on November 11th and left on December 5th.
So far things have been going about as well as can be expected, I’m still having some issues but that’s normal. The transplant process itself went fine, and the next 100 days will be careful watching for symptoms of graft vs. host disease, so I’ll have a couple appointments a week for a while, if things keep going well it’ll drop down to once a week.
I’m sort of quarantined a little bit, they want me to avoid crowds and school aged kids, but I can have visitors, they recommended keeping it to no more than 2-3 at a time.
My sense of taste is probably the worst symptom at the moment, it makes it pretty hard to eat. Oddly I can still smell food pretty well, but most of it tastes kind of bad. Sweet things are decent, but salt is very absent.
That’s about it for now. Just a lot of waiting and taking my time with things.
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