Posts Tagged: round 2

All Done Round 2!

This is a post about my health, if that interests you, hit the read more button below to see the full post, otherwise feel free to move along to more interesting stuff!

Eight Down Four to Go

This is a post about my ongoing health issues, if you’d rather skip it feel free, otherwise click the read more link below to continue on.

Half Way Through Round 2

This is an update about my health, if you’re here about my software or something else and don’t want to read about my health, feel free to skip this. Otherwise you can click the read more link and continue on, thanks!

Day 2 of HIDAC

This is an update about my health, if you’re here for something else, like my software or other projects, feel free to skip this post, otherwise you can click the read more link below.

1st day of HIDAC

This is an update about my health, if you’re here for something else, like my software or other projects, feel free to skip this post, otherwise you can click the read more link below

This is a friend typing for Cody again: Started Round 2 of chemo yesterday around 6pm, this round is HIDAC for High-Dose Cytarabine (I’m not sure what the A stands for). It’s one of the same drugs I had in Round 1 except in a much much much larger dose. I get it twice a day, 6am and 6pm and so far it seems to have made me very fatigued so I’ve spent most of the morning lying around which is why I haven’t responded to people’s messages. I had a fever last night and a cough, they think I might have an infection so they’re putting me back on more antibiotics and did a chest x-ray. They did another echocardiogram to look at my heart and they haven’t heard back the results yet. I guess that’s all for now.
