Posts Tagged: health

Ups and Downs (and back Up again)


Resting at Home

So things are going well, I’m at home, feeling alright, and after my last dose of cytarabine my blood counts should be dropping (and then rebounding) over the course of this or next week.

Today I was asked to rate my overall health by a representative of my heath insurance, and yesterday I was asked the same question by a nurse at a cardiology appointment. I didn’t say excellent, but then I did say very good, with the exception of having leukemia — how to balance the two? I want to say that, since no one knows how this will play out, that it’s not really right to say I’m doing good or not, but then I guess the fact is I could be doing worse, but not much better, so in that sense, yes, I’m doing as well as can be expected maybe?

I had a cardiology appointment on Monday so they could see how the pericardial effusion was doing (that was when there was fluid around my heart), it was good news, there is no sign of it.

Today (Thursday) I had a checkup in case my hemoglobin or platelets were so low I would need a transfusion, but they were a bit above that concern, so I got to come home quick and easy. I have two more appointments like that next week, Monday and Thursday, but this is all routine expected stuff.

So for now I’m just taking things very easy, and feeling okay about it!



First Round of Consolidation

So it’s been a few days since I’ve updated — as has been the routine lately, this post is about my health.

Little to Report

This post is about my health, if you’re here for another reason, feel free to skip it.

The Second Followup

This is a post about my health, so feel free to skip it if you’re not interested. Thanks.


My First Followup

This is an update about my health, so if that’s not your thing, just skip it; otherwise you can click the read more link.

I’m Home!

This is a post about my health, so to read on click the link below, or skip it if you’d like.

I’m Going Home Today!

This is an update about my health, as usual, skip it if you’d like, elsewise click the link below, thanks!

Not Today

This post is about my health, if that’s why you’re here, click the read more link below; if that doesn’t interest you, please skip it. Thanks!

I Might Be Going Home Tomorrow!

This is an update about my health, click the link below to read more, or skip it if you’d like.